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Ultimate Guide to Creating the Perfect Seating Plan for Your Wedding Breakfast

Seating plans can be a minefield, they require a lot of patience and some strong problem-solving skills!

This blog will share some top tips for creating your wedding reception seating plan.

Tip 1: Prepare to create your seating plan

Seating Plan
Studio 70 Six Seating Chart

You need to make sure you are prepared before you start, whether you are using some software such as Hitched’s Wedding Seating Chart, or you are using paper plates and post-it notes. You need to have the details of the layout of the venue, the size of the tables and of course… who is coming to the wedding, alongside their dietary requirements.

Get all of this ready before you start assigning anyone, and make sure it can easily be transferred to your venue’s preferred format.

Tip 2: Decide where you want to sit at your wedding breakfast

Don’t assume that you are required to have the best man, your parents or for that matter… anyone at your top table. You are allowed to have your wedding breakfast at a table for two, or a table for four or for six or even for twenty. Think about what you want this time for.

Tip 3: Consider who may need a quick exit

You don’t want speeches interrupted, or people squeezing through the room constantly so consider where people may need to be close to.

If you have a pregnant guest, sit them near the toilet. If you know someone is going to be drinking (a lot) get them near the bar. If you know someone is going to want to be going for a smoke, pop them near the exit.

Tip 4: Don't create your seating plan too far in advance

Don’t start your seating plan three months in advance, it’s only going to change. Do the seating plan, in its’ initial form around 4-6 weeks in advance of the wedding. You’ll have RSVPs by this time, and changes will be minimal (hopefully!).

Complete your final plan at the latest you can, based on your supplier needs!

Tip 5: Be prepared for last minute changes

Be prepared for changes until relatively close to the wedding. Try to design each table so that those that are likely to drop out can be dropped without there being much disruption.

Make sure each table has equal numbers, that way if a couple of people drop out, it’s not a problem.

Don’t seat whole families together, they are more likely to drop out as one big group, and you don’t want a gaping hole in your seating plan.

Tip 6: Make the decisions for you

The rest is your decision, it’s not controversial to mix wedding parties or not to mix them, it’s not a problem if you don’t seat your parents on your closest table.

Ultimately, you love everyone at your wedding, it is not a hierarchy of love, it’s what works with this jigsaw you are pulling together.


Have fun creating your seating plan!!

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